Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to create AMI in Amazon Web-service

An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a special type of virtual appliance that is used to instantiate (create) a virtual machine within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ("EC2"). It serves as the basic unit of deployment for services delivered using EC2.

Step 1 - Login to AWS account and go to "Service" section and select "EC2".
Step 2 - After that, select "Instance" under which, we can see the created Instance's and then select which instance that we need to add in AMIs. Go to Action => Create Image.

Step 3 - To check AMI Image, go to "Image" tab and select "AMIs", here we can see the newly added AMI, it will take some time to active.

Step 4 - After that, select newly added AMIs and check the details.

Step 5 - While creating a new Instance we can see "My AMIs" option, from which we can select the created AMI from the list.

If you want to delete any AMI, first delete from "AMIs" and then from "Snapshot".

That's it...

Sunday, April 19, 2015

How to configure Mail Account using Cpanel

Step 1 - Login into Cpanel account and Go to Mail Section and select Email Account.

Step 2 - Create a new email account, add the Email ID, Password and Mailbox quota and click on "Create Account".

Step 3 - After creating the Email, we can search the created Mail IDs on the same page. 

Step 4 - We can also check the mail account is working fine or not, through "Access Webmail".

That's it...

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Remove Blocked IP from WHM/VPS Server

This function is useful, while we use SSH and Webmail and we enter wrong passwords multiple times and the IP address get blocked for security reasons. In this example, we can remove the blocked IP address from firewall.

Step 1 - Check the your IP address, using "show my ip" in

Step 2 - After checking IP address, login to WHM.

Step 3 - Go to Firewall section "ConfigServer Security & Firewall".

In ConfigServer Security & Firewall Section, there are so many options. Go to "Search for IP" option and enter your source IP or Blocked IP.

Step 4 - After searching IP address, "Unlock" the blocked IP from firewall.

Now, check the Website, SSH, Webmail etc... this server related access from this blocked IP-Address.

That's it...

Friday, April 3, 2015

How to create new Ec2 Instance in Amazon Web Service

Amazon Web Services is a collection of remote computing services, also called web services, that make up a cloud computing platform offered by

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizeable compute capacity in the cloud. The AWS Free Tier is designed to enable you to get hands-on experience with AWS at no charge for 12 months after you sign up. After creating your AWS account you can use any of the 21 products and services, listed below, for free within certain usage limits.

Step 1 - Before login to Amazon Web Service, we want to create a new account and login to that account.

Step 2 - After login, we can see the AWS Products and Services. Here we can select which service we need.

Step 3 - This is the AWS Instance Dashboard. Here we can see Instance settings and Configuration options.

Step 4 - Here, we can change the "Region", by selecting the nearest location.

Step 5 - Create new Instance in AWS. Go to Instance => Launch Instance.

Step 6 - After Launch, first option will be "Choose AMI". Here, we can see all types of OS, Free tier & Paid Tier. Here, I am creating "Free Tire" server and OS "Redhat".

Step 7 - Choose the instance type. I am selecting "Free Tier t2.micro" and click on "Next: Configuration Instance Details".

Step 8 - Here we can choose default settings and click on "Next ADD Storage".

Step 9 - We can choose default setting and Click on "Next: Tag Instance". By default, storage size provided is 8Gb or 10Gb.

Step 10 - Here, we can add the instance Tag Name and click on "Next: Configure Security Group".

Step 11 - This option is Firewall / Security section. We can specify which port and service to be enabled. Enable "Incoming and Outgoing" communication and click on "Review and launch".

Step 12 - Finally, Review the Configuration setting and click on "Review and Launch".

Step 13 - After Reviewing click on "Launch", at that time it will ask for Key pair Option. We need to create new key pair and  download. This key pair is used for connecting server through Putty / SSH.

Select "Create a new Key Pair" => Add the Name "ODK-key" => Download  key pair => Click on "Lauanch Instance".

Step 14 - New Instance is created successfully. Now we can use Instance, click on "View Instance" It will take a few minutes for creating instance.

Step 15 - Now, we need to assign the IP-Address for this Instance. Because after restarting this Instance, it may change the IP-Address. 
Go to Elastic IPs => Allocate New Address => Yes, Allocate.

After that we will get a new IP-Address from AWS. Select the new IP-Address => Associate Address => Select the "Instance and Private IP-Address" => Associate.
Step 16 - Now we can check Instance details form Instance Dashboard. Here we can also see "Private and Public IP-Address and DNS".

Step 17 - Now Our Server Configuration is completed. We want to connect the server using SSH / Putty to configure. 
First we need to convert .pem key to .ppk key, then only we can use putty. Here I have used converting software "Putty key Generator".

Open PuTTYgen => Click "Load" on the right side => Browse and Open your .pem file => PuTTY will auto-detect everything it needs => And you just need to click "Save private key" and you can save your ppk key for use with PuTTY.

Step 18 - After converting, we can see the .ppk file. Now we can connect the server using putty.

In AWS server I am using Key Pair to Login the User name "ec2-user". 

After login as normal user, if we need root privilege, use "sudo"  or we can use "sudo su -" command. 

Now we are logged in to our AWS server and we can configure and setup the server....

In AWS Server   => Ubuntu  - Username : ubuntu
                        => Redhat   - Username : ec2-user 

That's it...